Time For Tea

Lipton Peppermint Tea

Hi Everyone,

Like my skin care routine, a cup of tea each day is a must.

I love sitting down with my laptop and blogging whilst sipping on a cup of tea. As the weather in Australia is cooling down, a cup of warm tea is comforting, and a must. I especially love peppermint tea. It’s refreshing and helps you to focus.

I have definitely had my fair share of trying different types of tea. I love going into a T2 shop and trying  the tea they have brewed on display. My tea storage is groaning with T2 products and tea. However, i love to try a different brand.

Lipton has delivered and delivered in each cup. The flavour is amazing.

What’s your favourite cup of tea?

Don’t hesitate to comment below. I would love to know.


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