Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day 2017

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

As many of you know, today is the the day for love. Whether or not you have someone special in your life or not. You can still celebrate the day doing something that you love to do. So I thought I would share with you the top 5 things that I love and love doing.

Make-up I love it, from contouring to eye liner and trying out a new foundation.

Fashion Yep, I have a passion for fashion. I love, putting on a new summer dress to buying a new season coat for winter. Trawling through magazines and blogs, gushing over a hot trend, wow, I love it.

Fitness As they say wiring out releases endorphins and endorphins make you feel good. I love the way that I feel about myself and the buzz after a good workout.

Chocolate Who doesn’t? I love dark chocolate, I have been known to go for the highest cocoa percentage bar or the organic sugar-free choccie. I love dark chocolate coated ginger or orange rind with a cup of coffee. Yum!

Movies I love the day the nominations for the Oscars come out or the photos from the Golden Globes red carpet go live on the net. I love romance, thriller, comedy, and movie adaptations based on book series.

What do you love?

I believe you can find a love for something everyday other than Valentines Day. Love should be celebrated everyday and we should enjoy it. Love is everywhere!

I hope you have a lovely day doing what you love, 

Love what I love? I would love to hear about, don’t forget to comment below.   


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